© 2004-2022 Robert D. Graham
Website Version 6.1
I’m an electrical engineer and programmer
by day, and an avid artist always.
I started getting into art at an early age, doodling
my favorite video-game characters with pencil and
paper in elementary school. As my interest in
computers grew, I got into digital art and video
editing toward middle school. Around that same
time I also found an interest in creative writing,
crafting stories about my favorite characters, and
by high school I completed writing my first original
novel, followed by more novels and a webcomic
series spin-off. Now I continue to expand my
artistic endeavors, by expanding into traditional
media like colored pencils and brush pens, as well
as into other facets that I will keep a surprise for
Have a question?
Is the site broken?
Interested in a collaboration?
Want me for some contract work?
Swinging by to say “How’s it going?”
Then let me know!
Please note that because I am employed full-time,
projects and commissions may take longer to complete
than what may be expected. However, I will do my
best to provide an honest and realistic ETA for a given job.